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All guests who will book through this website and choose this free gift, will receive a “welcome” breakfast kit, which includes a selection of tea, coffee capsules, mineral water, orange juice, crackers and jams.
All guests who will book through this website and choose this free gift, will receive a box of italian chocolates to enjoy and taste the pleasures of Italy.
The Uffizi palace consists of two main longitudinal buildings, connected to the south by a shorter side, quite similar, thus giving rise to a “U-shaped” complex, embracing a yard and breaks prospectively towards Piazza della Signoria, with a perfect shot of Palazzo Vecchio and its tower. The three buildings have the same module: In the ground floor there is an architrave portico covered with a barrel vault, made up of bays separated by pillars with niches and divided into three spaces between the two columns placed between the pillars; correspond to that module, three openings in the above fake mezzanine that serve to illuminate the portico and three windows on the first floor which have alternating between triangular pediment and curved gables and range between pilasters. Finally the top floor, the loggia, resumed the tripartite module and would later housed the original “gallery” Uffizi.